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How to Build a Microservices Architecture with React and Node.js

Creating an application while treating it can tend to be an arduous task. However, you can boost your pipeline to a new level by using smaller programs to design individual features and then integrating them. These microservices are architecture patterns that allow applications to be built of collections of several smaller units.

In this blog, our DEVIT Engineers will investigate microservices and show how to implement them into your React and Node.js applications and websites.

The image above shows the fundamental architecture of a microservice-based application. Next, let’s explore some of the benefits offered by microservices.

Key Benefit of Microservices

  • Easily Scalable

  • Efficient Deployment

  • Easy to Implement Technology

  • Low Learning Curve


  • Inter-Process Communication

  • Distributed Transactions

  • Higher Resource Requirement

  • Issues During Debugging

Microservices With React

Introduction to Micro-Frontends

Micro-Frontends are small programs that are interconnected to create a bigger application. They are usually segmented by a subdomain or feature that is their main purpose in the application.

When dealing with a simple project that may need a maximum of three pages of code, you don’t need to worry about microservices.

However, in cases where your project is large and needs to be built by several teams of developers, micro-frontends can significantly benefit you. Look at the image below for an example.

Six applications need to work together in this scenario to create the main application. As such, you can see that in the given event bus, the window objects and methods are used to communicate between the applications.

Therefore, each application can be built in any framework and communicate with its backend.

They would still be able to communicate, and the main application would still be able to mount and unmount them based on the user’s interactions.

In this scenario, all the smaller applications can be treated as micro-frontends. Let’s have a look at some of their benefits.

Advantages of Mirco-Frontends

1. All applications are independent

2. It is easier to understand the applications

3. Development and Deployment are more efficient

4. Testing and Debugging becomes simpler

5. Essentials of Micro-Frontends:

  • Each frontend represents a specific feature or subdomain of the entire application

  • They cannot share logic and are independent of each other.

What’s the Best Way to Split Apps:

Creating micro-frontends requires splitting large applications into smaller, independent frontends.

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