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In-House or Hosted Server: Are you making the right choice?

Updated: Aug 1, 2022

Maybe your business need has outgrown your server performance and you’re thinking of replacing it. Or perhaps your server is dated and not supporting your business like it should. It might be that you’re starting a new business and wondering if an in-house server is adequate or if you should adopt hosted solutions from the start.

In-House or Hosted Servers?

It’s a tough decision that will impact your business on a daily basis. We know there’s a lot to think about, and having more than 18 years of experience at this, we’re here to help; breaking it down for you.

In-House Servers

Managing in-house servers may require initial capital expenditure investments, as well as internal IT staff or engagement of a managed IT service provider. With this solution, you’ll also need to refresh your hardware, renew software licenses, perform upgrades, and extend warranties every five to seven years.

On the other hand, you’ll have full control over the infrastructure and the ability to build a solution that’s specific to your business needs.

Hosted Server

Companies don’t have to manage everything on-site, the hosted server is controlled by an experienced Managed IT Services Provider (MSP); relieving the headaches of cooling and housing servers and their related IT staff. This is a very desirable advantage for many firms that would rather invest their capital into other business areas. Beyond this, it also provides an easily scalable solution that can accommodate changing business needs. Original Source: In-House or Hosted Servers

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